The National journal has a "Mote Dog" (Mote Dog = inspired by and/or designed to inspire militant nationalistic sentiment) or piece on the Joint Special operations Command. The following, while not cited or referenced to any source or evidence, is in the piece;
Created in 1980 after the disastrous hostage-rescue mission in Iran, JSOC is part of the U.S. Special Operations Command that oversees the various special-operations commands of the Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. Over the past 10 years, JSOC units have been essential to U.S. military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. JSOC has fought a silent but successful proxy war against Iran’s Revolutionary Guards—even, National Journal has learned, engaging directly with its soldiers in at least three countries. It has broken up nuclear-proliferation rings. JSOC has developed contingency plans to safeguard Pakistan’s nuclear weapons in the event of a coup in that nation. It has killed Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon and Hamas terrorists on the West Bank. Its intelligence unit helps Colombian commandos dismantle lucrative drug rings that finance Hezbollah operations around the world. It has provided intelligence that has helped to break up domestic terrorism rings.
No where in the Article does it mention that it is unconstitutional for the US Military to police American Citizens, conduct assassinations, and conduct military operations without Congressional approval. It doesn't mention the risk of setting off unwanted and unwinnable wars. It doesn't mention that Hezbollah and Hamas are not engaged in armed conflict with the US and actions in Lebanon and Palestine only stand to gain more organizations determined to attack it.
Created in 1980 after the disastrous hostage-rescue mission in Iran, JSOC is part of the U.S. Special Operations Command that oversees the various special-operations commands of the Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. Over the past 10 years, JSOC units have been essential to U.S. military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. JSOC has fought a silent but successful proxy war against Iran’s Revolutionary Guards—even, National Journal has learned, engaging directly with its soldiers in at least three countries. It has broken up nuclear-proliferation rings. JSOC has developed contingency plans to safeguard Pakistan’s nuclear weapons in the event of a coup in that nation. It has killed Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon and Hamas terrorists on the West Bank. Its intelligence unit helps Colombian commandos dismantle lucrative drug rings that finance Hezbollah operations around the world. It has provided intelligence that has helped to break up domestic terrorism rings.
No where in the Article does it mention that it is unconstitutional for the US Military to police American Citizens, conduct assassinations, and conduct military operations without Congressional approval. It doesn't mention the risk of setting off unwanted and unwinnable wars. It doesn't mention that Hezbollah and Hamas are not engaged in armed conflict with the US and actions in Lebanon and Palestine only stand to gain more organizations determined to attack it.