
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt today

A clear path of succession was made. The naming of Omar Suleiman as Vice President, first VP in thirty years, may ease tensions of some concerned parties. He is of a military and intelligence background and should ease concerns of the military and of those opposed to the transfer of power to the current Presidents son.

Security forces, 350,000 strength and loathed by protestors, not visibly present in cities.

Military, 468,500 strength and embraced by the protestors, urges respect for curfew so they can hunt looters (it has been reported that the looters are the Security Forces).  Military has not engaged protestors nor security forces with direct force of arms. It is reported that the military has used its presence to protect Protestors on the ground with armor (see video here), intimidation (simply by their presence), and also using helicopters to clear the rooftops of security forces snipers.

Communications systems are still down.

The President says he will stay.

The Protestors say the President will leave.

Curfew not being followed.

Citizens groups begin to organize to hunt looters, preserve civil order, and further their causes.

World terribly concerned! (link = search Egypt)

Pictures of Egyptian Armys current role.